About Integrative Medicine Pioneer & Thyroid Specialist, Richard L. Shames, MD

Integrative medicine pioneer Richard L. Shames, MD, practices as a Consulting Physician and Personal Health Coach, focusing on thyroid and adrenal disorders and their many related conditions. Dr. Shames is an expert in the field of environmental hormone disruptors. He has been in private practice for over 25 years.
After graduation from Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Dr. Shames received extensive training in conventional medicine through his work at the United States Public Health Service (US PHS), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where Dr. Shames did research with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Marshall Nirenberg. In addition, Dr. Shames is a former Marin County Health Department physician, and has served as Adjunct Clinical Faculty [preceptor and lecturer] at UCSF at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco (UCSF).
In the 1970s, as Medical Director of the Wholistic Health & Nutrition Institute (WHN) in Mill Valley, Dr. Shames began to explore a blend of conventional medicine with safe and appropriate natural remedies. Dr. Shames was a founding member of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Dr. Shames’ philosophy of medicine is most completely expressed in his books. Together with his wife, Karilee Shames, PhD, RN, a Certified Clinical Specialist in Psychiatric Nursing and in Holistic Nursing practice, Dr. Shames has co-written three popular books for thyroid patients: Thyroid Mind Power: The Proven Cure for Hormone-Related Depression, Anxiety, and Memory Loss (coauthor Georjana Grace Shames / Rodale Books 2011), Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled? A 3-Step Program to: Restore Thyroid, Adrenal, and Reproductive Balance (Hudson/Penguin 2005), and Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health (HarperCollins 2002).
Drs. Richard and Karilee Shames are the authors of “Why We Changed Our Minds About Fluoridation,” an article published in the October 2014 Sonoma County Gazette.
Dr. Shames teaches seminars on thyroid health for healthcare providers and for the general public, nationwide. His innovative approach to “internet medicine” and telephone coaching, promotes a new model of medical care that empowers both patients and practitioners, nationally and internationally.
For his patients’ convenience, Dr. Shames has an office in San Rafael, at the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (PMCMarin), where he has practiced for the past twelve years. Consultations at PMCMarin, may be scheduled online at thyroidpower.com/content/contact-us or by calling 415-472-2343 (ext. 0), to speak with PMCMarin New Patient Coordinator Julie Dietz, or Administrative Assistant Roma Eaglin.
To learn more about Dr. Richard Shames and his work, for information about his books, to arrange a medical consultation or coaching session, to request an interview for radio, television or print media, or to schedule a workshop or speaking engagement, please contact Dr. Shames at thyroidpower.com/content/contact-us
BA, Harvard University, College of Arts & Sciences
MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Organizational Affliliations
American Holistic Medical Association, Founding member
Bay Area NutriMedicine Association
Who’s Who in California
Who’s Who in American Professionals
Rose Meadow Levinson Memorial Prize for Research at University of Pennsylvania Medical School
Why We Changed Our Minds About Fluoridation
Video: Dr. Richard L. Shames on Fluoridation and Thyroid Health
About Karilee Shames, PhD, RN