Water Fluoridation: Videos
OUR DAILY DOSE (running time 20:06 minutes) a new documentary by award winning filmmaker Jeremy Seifert. “Compelling and convincing, this film overturns the industry dogma on fluoride, exposing the toxic truth about what we put in our drinking water.” – Lois Gibbs, Love Canal Hero and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
THE TRUTH ABOUT FLUORIDATION (running time 55:10) is a live panel discussion with two of the interviewees in Our Daily Dose, Angela C. Hind, MD, and environmental attorney Douglas A. Ruley, JD, joined by Fluoride Action Network (FAN) Director, attorney Michael Connett, and endodontist Valerie Kanter, DMD, DDS, MS. The discussion is facilitated by Clean Water Sonoma-Marin Director, Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh.

FLUORIDATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT (running time 31:05 minutes) by Howard J. Patterson, MEM. Created for the successful 2013 Clean Water Portland campaign, Fluoridation and the Environment is the single best video introduction to the widest range of fluoridation issues, including environmental concerns, all in half an hour.

POISONED HORSES (running time 33:56 minutes), by David Kennedy, DDS, allows Cathy and Wayne Justus of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, to explain how they learned that their dogs and their world class quarter horses were being poisoned by fluoridated tap water, and how they dealt with it.

PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON WATER FLUORIDATION, produced by Michael Connett of Fluoride Action Network (FAN), features a Nobel Laureate in Medicine, three scientists from the National Research Council’s landmark review on fluoride (NRC Report 2006), as well as dentists, medical doctors, and leading researchers in the field, all respected professional researchers, scientists, and health practitioners who openly discuss their experience and opinions concerning the adverse health effects and ethical problems associated with the public health policy of water fluoridation. This is the video Paul Connett recommends sharing with on-the-fence-friends. Running time 28.47 minutes.
10 FACTS ABOUT FLUORIDE (running time 19:54 minutes). Attorney Michael Connett, the new Director of Fluoride Action Network (FAN), summarizes 10 basic facts about fluoride that should be considered in any discussion about whether to fluoridate water (2013) ..
BILL OSMUNSON AT THE CLEAN WATER CALIFORNIA RALLY IN SAN FRANCISCO (3/22/2014). Dr. Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH, talks to an enthusiastic crowd about his past as a professional fluoridation promoter and what it took to change his mind, and then goes on to explain what’s wrong with water fluoridation. Share this one with your dentist. Running time 13:59 minutes. Read the 2014 interview with Dr. Osmunson.
PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES: FLUORIDE IN TAPWATER WITH DR. BILL OSMUNSON (2008) is part of the “Professional Perspectives” series produced by Fluoride Action Network (FAN), brief videos about water fluoridation by health professionals and scientists. Here, Dr. Bill Osmunson – a general practice and cosmetic dentist, and former fluoridation advocate – explains why he is now concerned about fluoride and water fluoridation. Running time 5:17 minutes. Read a 2014 interview with Dr. Osmunson.
THE CASE AGAINST FLUORIDATION by Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, Director of Fluoride Action Network (FAN), presents studies on the toxicity of artificially fluoridated, and water fluoridation as a violation of human rights. Videographer Mark Snyder (Seattle Town Hall, 3/17/2014). Running time 58 minutes.
The dynamic Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh, Director of Clean Water Sonoma-Marin and Clean Water Sonoma-Marin Charitable Trust, rouses the crowd in her presentation at the Clean Water California rally in San Francisco, March 22, 2014.
FLUORO EN EL AGUA DR. BILL OSMUNSON (Subtítulos en español): ¿Qué es el fluoruro de sodio? ¿Por qué es agregado a la pasta dental, al agua potable/ mineral, a las bebidas comerciales? Si es utilizado como principal ingrediente activo del veneno para ratas ¿por qué lo ingerimos constantemente? Si el envase de la pasta dental advierte que ésta no sea tragada ¿no es ilógico beber agua fluorada? El fluororuro de sodio es un subproducto de la industria del aluminio; literalmente es un desecho tóxico. Los daños que provoca al cuerpo (a largo plazo, he ahí el truco) son numerosos: osteoporosis, artritis, fluorosis, etc. (5:17 min). Más información: http://www.fluoridealert.org/