CLEAN WATER SONOMA-MARIN: working for fluoride-free water, and practical, nontoxic solutions to children’s oral health challenges.
Despite any claims of dental benefit from the 20th century, 21st century evidence any reduction in cavities is somewhere between clinically inconsequential (a fraction of a single cavity) to imaginary (the science is such poor quality and the reduction is so small it “may not be real” according to 2024 Cochrane Review).
The 20th century 25% reduction was a cheat, too. It originated in a follow-up of 1500 school kids in Newburgh & Kingston, which were trial cities. There was no cavity experience difference in 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd graders. However, in the poorest subgroup (20 to 50 kids) in the first grade, the fluoridated kids had one and a half cavities and the unfluoridated kids had two cavities. A half cavity is 25% of two. This subgroup from a small population of 1500.
Dental fluorosis is affecting at least two teeth of more than half of American teens. A percentage of these stained and brittle teeth will require costly cosmetic dentistry – much more profitable for the dentist, who also pockets tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars each year from “fluoride treatments.” Fluoridation promotion is marketing.
It’s about more than brains, as if that wouldn’t be enough. Fluoride is stored in bones where over a lifetime it causes or worsens arthritis and other bone disease. They claim there is no Stage 3 crippling skeletal fluorosis in the U.S. but there is no doubt there is lots of pre-preclinical Stage 1 and Stage 2 skeletal fluorosis – we just call it other things like IBS, degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, etc.
Many thyroid and kidney doctors tell their patients to avoid fluoridated water and foods prepared with that water. Also unfluoridated water is required for dialysis treatments. Now we have OBGYNs advising the same. Excessive thirst is a common sympton of diabetes, putting diabetics who drink fluoridated water at risk of an unsafe dose of fluoride, because, while concentration is uniform in fluoridated water, dose depends on consumption. If tap water isn’t safe for all these people, it isn’t safe period.
Anyone who wants fluoridated water can buy it for their own kitchen, but trying to avoid it when it is in everything prepared with water is expensive and close to impossible.
~ Karen Spencer , October 2024
The Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), administered by the Environmental Protection agency (EPA), gives EPA the responsibility to evaluate unacceptable risk of harm in toxic chemicals. Only risk of harm is to be considered; proof of damage is not required, and possible benefits are deemed irrelevant under TSCA.
In 2017 citizen non-profits and individuals sued EPA in federal court, under TSCA regulations, for EPA to apply its own standards of unacceptable risk of neurotoxicity to artificially fluoridated water (case #3:17-cv-02162-EMC), the same standards that EPA has applied, with less evidence, to lead and mercury).
After considering government-sponsored scientific studies, expert testimony, and the 2024 National Toxicology Program (NTP) monograph on fluoride developmental neurotoxicity, on 9/24/2024 Judge Edward M. Chen ruled for the plaintiffs.
The ruling finds that water fluoridated at 0.7 milligrams per liter (mg/L), the concentration deemed optimal in the U.S., poses an unreasonable risk of neurotoxic damage to perinatal babies, as demonstrated by state-of-the-art government-funded studies.
The ruling does not apply to fluoridated dental products or to naturally fluoridated water. Neither does it specify the actions EPA must take to mitigate the risk, but the ruling absolutely mandates that EPA take appropriate action.
NOTE: The ruling requires EPA action; it does not require or recommend further risk assessment or studies.
The 80 page decision explains the science. To understand, step-by-step, how Judge Chen reached his decision, read the full 80 page ruling:
EPA has not yet announced whether it will appeal.
VIDEO: Griffin Cole DDS of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) explains the basics in four minutes.
Learn more:
Case 3:17-cv-02162-EMC
FOOD & WATER WATCH, et al.,Plaintiffs, vs. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, et al.Defendants
Filed September 24, 2024
In 2016, Congress amended the Toxic Substances Control Act (“TSCA”), empowering
United States citizens to petition the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) to consider
whether a chemical presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health. See Pub. L. No. 114-182, 114th Congress (Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act) (the “Act”). The Act addresses the modern day reality that “human beings and the environment are being exposed each year to a large number of chemical substances and mixtures,” 15 U.S.C. § 2601(a)(1), and that, “among the many chemical substances and mixtures which are constantly being developed and produced, there are some whose manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment,” id. § 601(a)(2).
To this end, under TSCA, as amended by the Act (“Amended TSCA”), a citizen is entitled
to judicial review of the EPA’s denial of the citizen’s petition, wherein a court considers whether the chemical poses an unreasonable risk de novo, i.e., without deference to the EPA’s decision. See id. § 2620(b)(4)(B). Amended TSCA sets up a system of judicial review that is remarkably different from the usual scope of judicial review of administrative actions under the Administrative Procedure Act, which confers substantial deference to administrative agencies. See id. Under Amended TSCA, the Court owes no deference to the EPA in assessing the risk posed by chemical substances. See id. If the Court finds anew that the chemical at issue presents Case 3:17-cv-02162-EMC Document 445 Filed 09/24/24
The issue before this Court is whether the Plaintiffs have established by a preponderance
of the evidence that the fluoridation of drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public within the meaning of Amended TSCA. For the reasons set forth below, the Court so finds. Specifically, the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children. It should be noted that this finding does not conclude with certainty that fluoridated water is injurious to public health; rather, as required by the Amended TSCA, the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response. This order does not dictate precisely what that response must be. Amended TSCA leaves that decision in the first instance to the EPA. One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk.
In 2011 residents became aware that Sonoma County Public Health was working to persuade our Board of Supervisors to fluoridate Sonoma County water by fluoridating all water sold through the Sonoma County Water Agency (for which our five Supervisors are the governing board).
An earlier attempt was made in 1952, when out-of-county fluoridation advocates attempted to persuade Sonoma County cities to adopt water fluoridation. We have documentation for only two cities, Santa Rosa which rejected fluoridation, and Healdsburg, which adopted it, and remains fluoridated (its municipal water system is separate from the SCWA). This time, our public health department and Dr. Howard Pollick, representing the American Dental Association (ADA), made a number of profluoridation presentations to our Board of Supervisors.
While the hundreds of Sonoma County residents who came together under Clean Water Sonoma-Marin were never granted a presentation on the Board of Supervisors agenda, we met with our individual Supervisors, our Sonoma County Public Health Officer, and the County Office of Risk Management. Also, we arranged public presentations with experts who also met with individual Supervisors.
Our campaign to keep Sonoma County’s water fluoride free took years. It began with a discussion of medication without individual consent.or dose control (because the concentration in water does not equal the dose received by individuals). Local dentists and doctors stepped up, and some of EPA’s own scientists, who explained the documented health risks associated with fluoridated water. Local environmental scientists discussed fluoridation’s risk to the environment, especially the riparian environment that salmon require. After that, water engineers explained the ever varying toxic contaminants in fluoridation chemicals, and the risks fluoridation chemicals pose to technicians and equipment. At the very end, a hand delivered packet to the Sonoma County Office of Risk Management provided an assessment of water fluoridation risks and the County’s potential liability.
Initially only one supervisor shared our position. Four years into our campaign, it appeared that only one supervisor actively disagreed. Nevertheless, fluoridation was placed on the consent calendar. We were surprised by the item’s removal at the last legal minute. When a colleague asked her supervisor what had happened to the fluoridation measure, and when it might reappear on the agenda, she was told that there were no plans to place water fluoridation on the agenda again, and that she would be notified if circumstances changed. It felt like a quiet win.
NOVEMBER 3, 2023: Friends, today FAN Executive Director Stuart Cooper sent a detailed update about the final phase of the EPA TSCA Fluoridation Trial (text below).
New Trial Start Date & Potential Viewing Restrictions
The start date for the last phase of the federal trial against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals has been pushed back by two days to Wednesday, January 31st, 2024. At the most recent status hearing, the judge noted that a complex criminal trial was taking place before ours, and the additional days would act as a buffer to reduce the chances of our start date being delayed at the last minute. The court has scheduled our trial to go through Wednesday, February 14th, though attorneys for FAN and the EPA acknowledged that they may not need to use all of those days.
During the first phase of the trial–in the summer of 2020 and in the midst of the pandemic–the proceedings were live streamed using Zoom and experts provided testimony virtually. While recording was prohibited, a much larger portion of the public had an unprecedented opportunity to witness every second of the trial than could have occurred with an in-person trial in San Francisco pre-Covid. FAN has always preferred a virtual trial, and at recent status hearings, both the judge and attorneys for the EPA said they believed the virtual trial went very well.
Unfortunately, the federal act (CARES Act) that allowed for live streaming of federal court proceedings has expired. The judge said that he was awaiting a ruling in the coming weeks by another court on this issue and was seeking guidance from the Judicial Conference, which sets policy for federal courts. He stated that the current policy from the Conference may already permit live streaming of audio only, but live streaming of video may ultimately be prohibited.
The judge stated clearly that he felt “the public has an interest” in this case and should be able to watch. He offered another option in case live streaming was not permitted, suggesting that the court take advantage of their pilot program called Cameras in the Courtroom to record the trial and post the video to their website. He noted that both parties would need to consent for this to take place. When asked, attorneys for the EPA said they “wouldn’t object” to a Zoom trial or a recording of the proceedings.
The expiration of the CARES Act also means that our attorneys will have to present live from the federal courthouse in San Francisco, and some of our experts may have to as well. This change will increase costs significantly due to transportation and hotel expenses. However, the judge said that his hope would be that expert witnesses would still be able to provide testimony remotely.
A status hearing has been scheduled for 9 a.m. (U.S. Pacific time) on Monday, December 4th. At that time, the court expects to have more information on the new judicial guidelines regulating live streaming of audio and video to the public and virtual testimony from witnesses.
Expert Witnesses Announced
Attorneys also announced the expert witnesses for the final trial dates. FAN will be calling the same world renowned experts who testified in the first phase of the trial. These include:
-Philippe Grandjean, MD, DMSc, is a physician, award-winning researcher, and Chair of Environmental Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark, as well as a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He authored and co-authored numerous studies and reviews on fluoride’s neurotoxicity, including Choi et al., 2012 and Choi et al., 2014, his updated review on fluoride neurotoxicity (Grandjean, 2019), and the first benchmark dose analysis on fetal fluoride exposure (Grandjean et al., 2021).
-Bruce Lanphear, MD, MPH, is a medical doctor (MD) with a Masters of Public Health (MPH). He received his doctorate from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. He is an investigator at BC Children’s Hospital and a professor of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on fetal and childhood exposures to environmental neurotoxins. Dr. Lanphear is well-known in the environmental science community for authoring seminal research on the neurotoxicity of low levels of lead. He’s also a co-author of the Green et al., 2019 and Till et al., 2020 fluoride studies.
-Howard Hu, MD, Sc.D, MPH, is a medical doctor with a Masters in Public Health and a Doctorate of Science in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. He has taught epidemiology at Harvard, the University of Michigan, the University of Toronto, and the USC Keck School of Medicine where he currently serves as the Chair of Preventive Medicine. He has authored over 300 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and has published five studies on fluoride, including Bashash 2017 and 2018.
-Kathy Thiessen, Ph.D, is the director and senior scientist at the Oak Ridge Center for Risk Analysis. Her research focuses on the evaluation of exposures, doses, and risks to human health from trace levels of contaminants in the environment and on the use of uncertainty analysis for environmental and health risk assessment. She has authored several reports for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the health effects of environmental contaminants, and she served on two National Research Council (NRC) subcommittees, including the 2006 NRC committee that was asked by the EPA to review the toxicological literature on fluoride.
The EPA will be calling Stan Barone, a representative from the EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. They’ll also be calling Professor of Epidemiology at Brown University, David Savitz, Ph.D. He was the Chair of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s ad hoc committee that peer reviewed the National Toxicology Program’s systematic review of fluoride neurotoxicity. The EPA’s final witness will be Spanish environmental epidemiology researcher Jesus Ibarluzea, Ph.D.
We’re getting close to what appears to be the end of this very long fluoride lawsuit journey that started with a TSCA petition to the EPA in 2015. Everyone here at FAN is feeling incredibly confident and excited to start the final phase of the trial in less than 90 days. We truly appreciate your unwavering support throughout this 8+ year process. Thank you for standing with us in our pursuit for justice and safe drinking water.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Executive Director
Fluoride Action Network
JUNE 13, 2022: Many thanks to Stuart Cooper , who writes:
HEARING RESCHEDULED: Court Moves Status Hearing To September
Tuesday’s status hearing for our TSCA case against the U.S. EPA in federal court has been rescheduled yet again, this time for three months from now, on Tuesday, September 20th.
The Court has been awaiting the final publication of the National Toxicology Program’s state of the science review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity before moving on to the next phase of the trial. The NTP’s review was expected to be published in 2021, but continues to be delayed.
I’ll be in touch when more information is available.
Follow the TSCA Fluoride lawsuit timeline to keep up to date on the ongoing trial:
Also useful, Michael Connett, lead attorney in the TSCA Lawsuit, has provided a five minute update on the progress of the case (12/31/2021):
In other news, Paul Connett has retired as Executive Director of FAN to devote his time to a second edition of The Case Against Fluoride (authors Paul Connett, James Beck, and H. S. Micklem; first published 2012) that will include the strong recent studies finding fluoride developmental neurotoxicity at levels found in fluoridated U.S. municipal water systems.
Read and/or download the PDF of a thoughtful review of the first edition of The Case Against Fluoride, by Roger A. Brumback, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE, USA:
– NOTE: As of APRIL 28, 2021 The Clean Water Sonoma-Marin website is not being updated, but remains as an archival record.
EXCEPTIONS include updates on the TSCA EPA water fluoridation trial, as well as any major changes in the status of water fluoridation in the City of Healdsburg, the state of California, or the United States.
Our CONTACT PAGE is still active, as are links for Donations to Fluoride Action Network (FAN). If there are questions about fluoridation issues, Clean Water Sonoma-Marin, or our website, please get in touch.
Remember: Be brave. Do good.
Carol Goodwin Blick, Editor
BELOW: read about the TSCA EPA trial, including updates.
3:17-cv-02162-emc – Food & Water Watch, Inc. Et Al V. Environmental Protection Agency Et Al.
Carol Goodwin Blick / The Sonoma County Gazette (July 2020)
On Nov. 22, 2016, a Citizens’ Petition was presented to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The Petition requested EPA “to protect the public and susceptible subpopulations from the neurotoxic risks of fluoride by banning the addition of fluoridation chemicals to water,” exercising its authority to prohibit the addition of fluoridation chemicals to U.S. water supplies on the grounds that a large body of an animal, cellular, and human research indicates that fluoride is neurotoxic at doses within the range now seen in fluoridated communities. In 2017, after EPA denied the Citizen Petition, a suit was filed in federal court in San Francisco, as allowed under TSCA. The trial began Monday, June 8, 2020, and final arguments were heard Thursday, June 18, 2020. For the first time in its 44-year history citizens reached the trial stage of a lawsuit under TSCA.
The most robust studies indicate that fluoride poses an unacceptable neurotoxic risk to the 200 million in the U.S. who currently receive artificially fluoridated tap water, with the greatest risk to perinatal infants and children.
Based on body weight, infants and young children have approximately three to four times greater exposure than adults, with the greatest exposure to bottle-fed infants. SOURCE: National Research Council. (NRC 2006).
Two U.S. government-funded, well-designed, large, long-term, prospective cohort studies, ELEMENT (Mexico) and MIREC (Canada), published since the initial petition, were especially impressive.
Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity
The Mother-Offspring fluoride studies
EPA agrees that the cohort studies are well designed, but rejects the rigorous risk assessments of the plaintiffs’ internationally respected expert witnesses, preferring a standard EPA risk assessment of fluoride.
EPA has protocols for determining unacceptable risk of neurotoxins, and for determining a safe dose, if any, below which the risk is acceptable, but over many decades of endorsing water fluoridation, EPA has never completed a risk assessment of fluoride. However, about a year ago, well after the lawsuit was filed, EPA began its first official assessment of fluoride, a process that EPA’s lead attorney says will take at least two more years to complete.
However, Judge Edward M. Chen (the Court) stated that EPA is applying the wrong standard to fluoridated water, looking for causation of harm, instead of risk of harm. Risk alone is the standard mandated by statute, and any evaluation done under EPA’s current standard will be legally flawed, including the EPA risk assessment currently underway.
After final arguments concluded on Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Court made a surprise proposal that judgment be deferred while EPA and the plaintiffs discuss a solution that will satisfy both.
While there is no way to know how the Court would rule if a final judgement were requested, the Court appears convinced by the evidence that fluoridated water poses an unacceptable neurotoxic risk to humans, with the greatest risk to perinatal infants and children.
The Court would like the plaintiffs to consider submitting a new petition, including studies not yet published when the petition was filed. As the Court noted, strong science on fluoride neurotoxicity is “accumulating all the time.” The court also suggested that the plaintiffs might themselves do, and submit, the formal EPA-standard risk assessment EPA says it requires but has not yet done. The Court appears to expect EPA, guided by the incontrovertible science, to accept the new petition and the new risk assessment, and reverse its water fluoridation policy. Attorneys for both sides expressed strong reservations.
EPA’s U.S. Justice Department attorney Debra Carfora explained that, by law, EPA must respond to a petition within 90 days. EPA’s risk assessment process alone takes a minimum of 3 years, and evaluating the studies referenced in the petition could take even more time so, of course, EPA rejected the first petition, and would reject a second, no matter how excellent.
Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs, explained that this is a citizens’ suit, that it has taken almost four years and considerable effort and expense (even though the legal team is working pro bono, and plaintiffs’ expert witnesses testified from “a sense of civic duty” – Philippe Grandjean, MD, Ph.D.) to get to this point, and it might not be possible to do it all over again. Connett pointed out that, more important, in the meantime millions of U.S. babies and children suffer continuing harm.
In an additional nudge to plaintiffs, the Court mentioned that if the verdict is appealed to a higher court, there is the possibility that the verdict could be thrown out, not on the evidence, but over the gray area of the standing of the plaintiffs to bring suit.
The Court asked the two sides to talk to each other, and come back and talk with him in July 2020, then have a formal conference with documents in August 2020 (Ms. Carfora said EPA needed at least two months). The Court will postpone ruling on the case, as long as necessary, until alternatives have been exhausted.
The Timeline
Fact Sheet on the TSCA Trial
Lawsuit Documents
Daily Comments on the trial
In this excerpt, a Bloomberg analyst explained the importance of Judge Chen’s decision here, and the stakes for citizen groups going forward : “The case is being watched in part for what it could portend for future efforts to regulate chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act, said Erik C. Baptist, a partner with Wiley Rein LLP. If the case goes to trial and a court eventually concludes that adding fluoride to drinking water poses an unreasonable risk, the health advocates will say the EPA must prohibit that use of fluoride. If that scenario plays out, other groups may see filing a petition with EPA requesting a new rule as a quicker way to get a chemical regulated or banned than the risk evaluation and risk management process laid out in the statute, said Baptist, former deputy assistant administrator for law and policy in the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.” – Bloomberg Environment. “Federal Judge Asked to Let Fluoride-in-Water Case Go to Trial (1) ” (11/15/2019)
AUGUST 6, 2020, STATUS HEARING NOTES: Those who have been following the TSCA EPA water fluoridation trial in Federal Court (U.S. District Court in San Francisco) might be wondering if the Court has made a judgement. It has not.
On the last day of trial (6/18/2020), explaining reasons for postponing a judgement, the Court noted, “So much has changed since the petition was filed … two significant series of studies – prospective cohort studies – which everybody agrees is the best methodology. Everybody agrees that these were rigorous studies and everybody agrees that these studies would be part of the best available scientific evidence. The EPA appears to have applied a standard of causation, which from my read of TSCA is not accurate. It’s not a proper allocation. It’s not the proper standard.”
At the 8/6/2020 status hearing, the Court directed attorneys for the plaintiffs to submit a new petition to EPA, including the peer-reviewed mother-offspring studies showing fluoride neurotoxic risk published in the three years since the original petition was filed, notably the ELEMENT (Mexico) and MIREC (Canada) studies, then return for a second status hearing 11/8/2020.
According to Bloomberg Law, the Court “intimated that it would be prudent for the EPA to find a way to reduce the risk of adding fluoride to drinking water — without being compelled to do so by the court.”
APRIL 22, 2021, STATUS HEARING REPORT: Good news! The Judge granted Plaintiffs’ motion to add additional standing evidence into the case, which should help fully satisfy the Judge’s prior concerns on this issue and ensure that the case is resolved on the merits.
The Judge also made clear that he is very keen to read the National Toxicology Program’s finalized report on fluoride’s neurotoxicity, which is expected sometime later this year, as well as other new science on the issue, including an upcoming pooled analysis of the NIH-funded birth cohort studies.
In order to consider this new science, the Judge discussed having a “phase 2 trial” where Plaintiffs and EPA can introduce additional expert testimony on the NTP report and other developments.
The next status hearing will be on August 26, 2021 at 10:30AM (Pacific US).
While the plaintiffs believe they have already presented sufficient evidence to demonstrate that fluoridated water poses an unacceptable risk, they appreciate the seriousness with which the Judge is taking the case, and his commitment to having the science govern the result.
Since its formation in 2000, the Fluoride Action Network has believed that when scientists and the public learn of the poor science underpinning water fluoridation, that the practice would fall under its own weight. That belief has steadily grown as more and more scientific research has shown the dangers fluoride poses to a number of tissues including the teeth, the bone, the kidneys, the endocrine system and particularly the brain.
All of this science we have meticulously cataloged in our health database and shared with visitors to our website. But this educational exercise has not been a simple matter – against us every step of the way has been an entrenched lobby, including both dental interests and the public health bureaucracies in largely English speaking countries – who refuse to give up this practice. For them fluoridation has always been and always will be “safe and effective.”
No amount of science will change their minds. Given a level playing ground they would be laughed out of court. Hitherto, they have had the power to convince the world that “black is white.” But now we are actually in court and it is a level playing field!
In light of this, the Judge’s keen interest in following the science has been, and remains, a welcome development. Although he didn’t say it, the Judge’s comments suggest that he doesn’t want to hear any more obfuscation from EPA in lieu of science, and that they can’t win this case by simply appealing to their authority. [by Paul Connett, PhD, Director, Fluoride Action Network]
JANUARY 15, 2022, STATUS HEARING NOTES: The final NTP report, has been changed to a review, and is expected to be published in March 2022. Whenever it is published, plaintiffs will present expert testimony on the report.
More science is available since the trial, including another cohort study in Mexico.
The next status hearing is scheduled for June 7, 2022, 2:30 pm.
JANUARY 16, 2022 NOTES: Last year the plaintiffs (represented by attorney Michael Connett, working pro bono) submitted to EPA the new petition that the Court requested, which included the new studies, and which cleared up any question of standing. EPA rejected the second petition, as it told the court in advance that it would have to do. There have been several brief status hearings since then, all on Zoom. Yesterday’s was the latest.
APRIL 7, 2022: After a several year tease, “The Spanish Study”, “Prenatal exposure to fluoride and neuropsychological development in early childhood: 1-to 4 years old children” by Jesús Ibarluzea, et al, finding no neurological harm from fluoridated water, has been peer reviewed and published at last, by Environmental Research 207 (2022) 112181. As with the NTP review, the Court will be provided with expert testimony on its findings.
“As of June 2018, a total of 60 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 53 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans, while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 15,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain.“ – From Fluoride Action Network, Fluoride & IQ: The 65 Studies
The first U.S. Government-funded study investigating prenatal neurological damage from fluoride, Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico (2017), finds that each 0.5 part per million (ppm) increase in a pregnant woman’s urine fluoride levels reduced her child’s IQ by 2.5 – 3 points.
The full peer-reviewed study, a 12 year analysis of data from 287 mother-child pairs, was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (9/19/2017) , and is available at the U. S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) website. READ THE STUDY.
The new study is unique in approach, size, and duration, but it joins over 50 other human-based studies that find evidence of fluoride-based cognitive damage affecting IQ.
MORE about quantifying Fluoride’s potential to reduce IQ in children in Dawna Gallagher’s article explaining the 2017 Prenatal Fluoride/IQ study by Bashash et al.
Watch Michael Connett’s 2015 presentation on Fluoride and IQ Studies:
Michael Connett on Fluoride & IQ Studies (running time 26:24 min)
Visit Clean Water Sonoma-Marin’s updated page on Fluoride Neurotoxicity
May 2018: Clean Water Sonoma-Marin Charitable Trust joins Fluoride Action Network (FAN) in the Moms2B campaign. Moms 2B alerts pregnant women to the most recent scientific evidence that consuming fluoride, whether from fluoride supplements, or from fluoridated water, can harm the developing brains of their unborn children. Don’t risk your child’s future. Learn more here:

THE SONOMA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS has “postponed indefinitely” any consideration of the Sonoma County Department of Health Services (DHS) proposal to fluoridate Sonoma County water through the Sonoma County Water Agency (originally an item on the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors agenda 5/19/2015, item removed before the meeting). As of the 2016 elections, a majority of Sonoma County Supervisors is on the record opposing fluoridated tap water for Sonoma County.
LOOKING AHEAD, Sonoma County residents should be reassured to know that future attempts to fluoridate water in Sonoma County will not be through the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) . Even if, some day, the issue returns to the Board of Supervisors, the unanimity requirement among signers to the Sonoma County Water Agency Restructured Agreement for Water Supply cannot be met as long as the City of Cotati, the City of Sonoma, and the Valley of the Moon Water District continue their formal rejection of fluoridation. MORE ABOUT SONOMA COUNTY AND SONOMA COUNTY WATER.

PETALUMA: CHILDREN’S ORAL SURGERY RATES PLUMMET AFTER FEWER THAN TEN YEARS OF UNIVERSAL DENTAL CARE: “Through a $5,000 grant from the Rohnert Park Foundation, the Rohnert Park Health Center (RPHC) will be able to expand their school-based dental program in the Cotati Rohnert Park Unified School District this year, ensuring that all children in the community receive proper dental screenings, check-ups, preventative education, and if needed, access to restorative and emergency treatment services… [The RPHC] school dental program was first started in Petaluma less than ten years ago when the health center realized that many of the children in the community were suffering from dental diseases that are almost completely preventable. When they initially started the program they were referring about 250 children per quarter to oral surgery. The children had so many cavities that it required general anesthesia to repair them. After a few years of providing preventative care and education in the schools, that number has dropped dramatically to about four children last year [about one child per quarter] that needed to be referred to oral surgery. RPHC now hopes to obtain the same results in Cotati and Rohnert Park…” Read RP Health Center ensures all children in school district receive dental care by Stephanie Derammelaere / The Community Voice (12/21/2018).
SANTA ROSA: The Sonoma County Department of Public Health has declared a renewed focus on fluoridating the City of Santa Rosa (announced at the second annual Sonoma County Dental Health Summit, 9/25/2016); to dater, no traction has been gained.
THE CITY OF HEALDSBURG remains fluoridated. Please contact us for current information.
Merrilyn Joyce
NORTH MARIN WATER DISTRICT (NMWD) remains unfluoridated due to the full committment of the NMWD Board of Directors, which is grateful for Clean Water Sonoma-Marin’s successful efforts to stop attempts to fluoridate through the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA). 80% of NMWD water, including water for the City of Novato, is provided by SCWA.
MARIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (MMWD) remains fluoridated. Clean Water Sonoma-Marin is holding individual meetings with Marin Municipal Water District board members. The good news is that we are talking at last, not just limited to three minute comments at MMWD Board meetings.
Marin Municipal Water District’s Cataract Falls property, safe from glyphosate defoliation thanks to the MMWD Board’s use of the Precautionary Principle.

Because communication is essential, Clean Water Sonoma-Marin Charitable Trust members , including medical professionals, shared fluoridation concerns with Grant Colfax, MD, when he was Director of the Marin County Department of Health.
Currently Dr. Colfax heads the San Francisco Department of Public Health, and Dr. Matt Willis, MD, MPH now heads the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services.
The cordial meeting was arranged in the fall of 2017 by Dennis Rodoni, former North Marin Water District (NMWD) Board Member, and current Marin County Supervisor from Novato.

In January 2018, a second meeting was arranged by Supervisor Rodoni. Although Dr. Colfax was unable to attend, Dr. Willis met with Supervisor Rodoni, and other Marin County Clean Water advocates, Ginger Souders-Mason, Deborah Landowne, Steve Lamb, CWSM-CT Director Dawna Gallagher-Stroeh , thyroid specialist Dr. Richard Shames, MD, and Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) Board Member, attorney Larry Bragman, who explained the current suit in Federal Court against EPA on the issue of the neurotoxicity of fluoridated water, with heightened risks to perinatal babies. Brian Smith DDS, and Bill Osmunson DDS, MPH, participated in the meeting via letters to Dr. Colfax and Dr. Willis.

As with all Public Health professionals, at that time Dr. Willis was tasked with implementing and supporting Public Health policies, including water fluoridation. However, Dr. Willis said, of all the concerns about water fluoridation presented at the meeting, the one that gives him pause is the issue raised in the letter from Dr. Osmunson, the possiblilty that, with increasing fluoride exposure from many sources, Marin County residents might be receiving too much fluoride.
THE HEALTH COUNCIL OF MARIN is looking into the new data on fluoride toxicity. We have been contacted, and are providing documents as requested. The Health Council operates under Marin County Health & Human Services (HHS), and is responsible for advising the Marin Board of Supervisors, and Marin HHS on health issues, and advocating “for the development and allocation of resources to assure quality and accessible health care, and to educate regarding issues affecting the health and well-being of the citizens of Marin County.” Source:

Jay Kumar, DDS, MPH, is California’s first Director of Dental Health, an office created in 2015, after years of lobbying by the California Dental Association (CDA). Before coming to California, Dr. Kumar was instrumental in setting up a pilot program, now in effect in New York State, in which millions of dollars in Medicaid funds now support water fluoridation. The program, which siphons off scarce funds from effective dental and other health care, is a first step in an ambitious plan to use Medicaid funds to pay for water fluoridation infrastructure, engineering, chemicals costs, and staff time, nationwide. Dr. Kumar is in discussion with public health officials and key legislators, about a similar program for California. For more information, and documentation, please contact us.
VIDEO: Zero Waste hero, and FAN co-founder Dr. Paul Connett and Dr. Bill Hirzy, retired Senior Scientist for Risk Assessment at US EPA (1981-2004), old comrades-in-arms, have just hand delivered The Petition to EPA Headquarters, along with many heavy boxes of scientific documentation. Now they sit in the sun, praise young attorney Michael Connett for his brilliant work and, figuratively, pass the torch.
November 23, 2016, the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT), and Fluoride Action Network (FAN), in coalition with others, hand delivered a petition to US EPA, accompanied by over 2,500 pages of scientific documentation, to ban the use of fluoridation chemicals because of the neurotoxic risks of fluoride ingestion.
Historically, when a chemical has evidence of neurotoxicity, for example lead, EPA has banned its use. Since 2014, fluoride has been on EPA’s short list of chemicals, including arsenic and lead, with scientific evidence of developmental neurotoxic harm to humans. However, EPA rejected the petition (2/27/2017).
April 18, 2017, the petitioners responded by filing a complaint in US District Court in San Francisco, seeking a ban on water fluoridation, under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
November 30, 2017, EPA responded with a motion to dismiss “all claims in the present matter.” The EPA motion was denied by Judge Edward M. Chen (12/21/2017). In early 2018, Judge Chen rejected an EPA brief seeking to deny plaintiffs the right to submit any evidence, including new scientific studies, not submitted at the time of the original filing.
NOTE: “This case will present the first time a court will consider the neurotoxicity of fluoride and the question of whether fluoridation presents an unreasonable risk under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). And, in contrast to most other legal challenges of Agency actions, TSCA gives us the right to get the federal court to consider our evidence ‘de novo’—meaning federal courts are to conduct their own independent review of the evidence without deference to the EPA’s judgment.” – attorney Michael Connett (01/15/2018)
For brief background on the petition, a detailed timeline of the lawsuit, including links to all filings and rulings to date, and the names of plaintiffs, and their attorneys, please read: Lawsuit against US EPA Regarding Fluoride Neurotoxicity.
October 22, 2018 Inside EPA reports [excerpt]: Latest EPA Defeat, Judge Orders More Discovery In TSCA Fluoride Suit. A federal judge has ordered EPA to provide internal documents and allow plaintiffs to depose agency staff on the risks posed by fluoridation, mandates that highlight the effect of an earlier ruling allowing the plaintiffs to introduce new evidence in their landmark Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) suit rather than limiting it to the agency’s record. In an Oct. 4 order, Judge Edward Chen, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, ordered EPA to release internal documents regarding its scientists’ views of a study linking fluoridation to IQ decrements, as well as ordering EPA to allow plaintiffs to depose agency staff on whether its existing fluoride standards consider neurotoxicity risks.
…Chen writes that the plaintiffs’ requests “are relevant because whether the EPA considered the neurotoxic risk of fluoride in establishing its safety standards bears on how much weight the Court should give to any EPA argument that its safety standards can be used to show what a safe level of fluoride is.”
…”In my view, it’s quite significant going forward … [Chen] didn’t provide any qualifications. He allowed deposition and forced EPA to search for internal documents,” the plaintiffs’ attorney, Michael Connett with Waters Kraus & Paul’s Los Angeles office, tells Inside EPA. “Even though [the order] is not technically precedential, it’s nevertheless helpful guidance for future courts” because this case is the first of its kind.”
VIDEO: Dec 31, 2019: Michael Connett gives an update on the TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit (running time 3:33).
“We are leaving no stone unturned. The court will hear the best evidence that’s available on this issue,” says Michael Connett, the pro bono attorney for the case.
On December 31, 2019, Edward M. Chen, U.S. District Judge, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, dismissed an EPA motion for summary judgement (MSJ) in the fluoride TSCA lawsuit. This means that our case will go forward. The trial has been rescheduled to begin Monday April 20 and will run for two weeks.
This is the first time in its 43-year history that citizens have been able to successfully bring a suit to court under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) provisions. This is a huge moment for us, and for the environmental movement as a whole. Finally the EPA is going to be held accountable for its decades of neglect with respect to protecting citizens from the deliberate addition of a known toxic (neurotoxic) substance to the public drinking water. Finally, we get our day in court, with experts from both sides presenting under oath.
Background on the case at TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit.
You can help with this historic lawsuit by making a tax deductible donation to FAN now.
Lobbying Members of Congress on H.R. 2422 takes our intrepid Clean Water Sonoma-Marin team to some unexpected places in the Capitol Building, Washington DC (September 15, 2017). Photo: Merrilyn Joyce
Clean Water Sonoma-Marin Charitable Trust: Grassroots Democracy in Action

This is everyone’s water, and it will be everyone’s win in the end! Thank you! Dawna Gallagher / 707-547-7006

En español: La fluoración del agua – 3 videos de Telemundo Atlanta
Fluoruro en el Agua: Dr. Bill Osmunson (Subtítulos en español)
Fluoridation and the Environment by Howard Patterson
Our Daily Dose by Jeremy Seifert
Poisoned Horses by David Kennedy
Fluoride Neurotoxicity: US EPA listing and recent studies
Newsweek discusses: Does fluoridation prevent cavities?