Ballot Measure P offers Healdsburg voters the opportunity to STOP water fluoridation.
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A NO Vote on P is a Vote for Clean Water
62 years ago, Healdsburg residents voted to add fluoride to our water supply. Since then, much has been learned about toxic substances once touted as safe. Now it’s known that smoking causes cancer, lead in paint and gasoline reduces IQ in children, and asbestos causes lung disease. As the science became clear, the use of those poisons was discouraged or discontinued.
With fluoride, many infants and children are already getting too much from multiple sources. The risks of water fluoridation outweigh theoretical benefits. There is not one randomized controlled trial showing that ingesting fluoride is safe. If topical application to the tooth’s surface is effective, then dosing the whole body with fluoride is pointless.
Scientific studies have shown that even tiny amounts of fluoride can be toxic, discolor teeth, reduce IQ in children, damage kidneys, slow thyroid function, and contribute to arthritis, brittle bones, and asthma. Fluoride’s impact is most severe on the young, the sick, the elderly, our pets and environment.
Naturally occurring calcium fluoride is not the same as the artificial fluoride currently added to Healdsburg’s water. Sodium fluoride is a waste product of the synthetic fertilizer industry. Aware of the dangers and ineffectiveness of fluoridation, 97% of Europe has either stopped or never started the practice.
The savings gained from ending water fluoridation could be redirected to Healdsburg’s Pediatric Dental Initiative, whose mission is to promote oral health and prevention education.
In the interest of public health, we must stop adding toxic industrial waste to our water. Since fluoride is readily available in toothpaste and mouthwash, it’s time for Healdsburg to join the rest of Sonoma County and go fluoride free.
Vote NO to stop water fluoridation and give everyone the freedom to choose.
We all want kids with healthy teeth. Tooth decay, however, is primarily caused by poor nutrition and inadequate oral hygiene. Swallowing fluoride doesn’t prevent tooth decay but it causes unsightly dental fluorosis, an embarrassing discoloration which is expensive to repair. According to the Centers for Disease Control almost half of U.S. youth now have dental fluorosis.
The American Dental Association warns that babies less than 6 months old should not ingest fluoride at all. Harvard researchers recently reported in the respected medical journal The Lancet that fluoride is a “developmental neurotoxin,” which reduces children’s IQs.
The largest governmental study to demonstrate the benefit of fluoridation was initiated in 1986-87 by the National Institute of Dental Research. This study examined the teeth of 39,207 children and found no statistically significant difference in tooth decay between those living in fluoridated and those living in unfluoridated areas. In addition, the World Health Organization reports that tooth decay has plummeted in developed countries worldwide, regardless of fluoridation.
Is fluoride safe for adults, the sick and elderly? Sodium fluoride has never been approved by the Food and Drug Administration “to be safe and effective” for anyone. The Environmental Protection Agency says exposure to fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults.
Ask your doctor or dentist to provide the evidenced-based studies showing that swallowing artificial fluoride is not harmful to health. There are none.
End water fluoridation. Let each person choose.
Vote NO on P.
Un Voto “NO” on P es un Voto a Favor de Agua Limpia
Hace sesenta y dos años, los residentes de Healdsburg votaron para añadir el fluoruro a nuestra agua potable. Desde entonces, se ha aprendido mucho sobre sustancias tóxicas una vez consideradas como seguras. Ahora se sabe que el fumar causa cáncer, el plomo en la pintura y la gasolina reduce el coeficiente intelectual en los niños, y el asbesto causa enfermedades pulmonarias. Como la ciencia se hizo evidente, el uso de estas sustancias tóxicas se rechazo o se discontinuó.
Muchos bebés y niños ya están recibiendo demasiado fluoruro de múltiples fuentes. Los riesgos de agregar fluoruro al agua superan los beneficios teóricos. No existe ninguna prueba controlada aleatoria mostrando que el ingerir fluoruro es una práctica segura. Si aplicación tópica en la superficie de los dientes es eficaz, entonces consumir el fluoruro y distribuir el fluoruro a todo el cuerpo no tiene sentido y es inútil
Los estudios científicos han demostrado que hasta pequeñas cantidades de fluoruro pueden ser tóxicas, decolora los dientes, reducir el coeficiente intelectual en los niños, causar daños a los riñones, función de la tiroides lenta, y contribuir a la artritis, huesos quebradizos y el asma. El impacto del flúor es más grave en los jóvenes, los enfermos y los ancianos, sin mencionar nuestras mascotas y el medio ambiente.
Fluoruro de calcio de origen natural no es lo mismo que el fluoruro de sodio artificial actualmente añadido al agua de Healdsburg. Fluoruro de sodio es un producto de desecho de la industria de fertilizantes sintéticos. Consciente de los peligros y la ineficacia de fluoruración, el 97% de Europa ha detenido o nunca inició la práctica de agregar fluoruro al agua potable.
El ahorro obtenido terminando la práctica de agregar fluoruro al agua potable de Healdsburg podría ser redirigido a La Iniciativa Dental Pediátrica de Healdsburg, cuya misión es promover la educación de prevención y salud oral.
En el interés de la salud pública, debemos dejar de añadir productos químicos de residuos tóxicos industriales a nuestra agua potable. Puesto que el fluoruro es fácilmente disponible en pasta de dientes y enjuagues bucales, es tiempo de que nuestra ciudad se una al resto del Condado de Sonoma y sea libre de fluoruro!
Vote NO para parar la fluoración del agua y dar a todos la libertad de elegir.
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